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No Reserve, also known as Rosy Business III, is an upcoming Hong Kong espionage television drama serial created and produced by Lee Tim-sing. Produced by TVB, no Reserve is the third installment of the critically acclaimed Rosy Business period drama franchise. Previous installments include 2009’s Rosy Business and 2010’s No Regrets.
Set primarily in Canton, China during the Second Sino-Japanese War, the story follows the affairs of Chinese Republican spies and their entanglements with underground triads and the Empire of Japan. Wayne Lai will star as special government agent Kong Sheung-hung. Co-starring will be Myolie Wu as Kong’s partner, Cheung Kei-sang, and Edwin Siu as triad leader, Chau Sai-kai.
Ip Kwong-yam, who returned to TVB in 2012 after a sixteen-year hiatus, will helm the script for No Reserve. Ip drafted a preliminary script for No Reserve in May 2012 and began officially working on the project after the completion of Lee’s other production, Detective Columbo, in August 2012. A costume fitting press conference was held on February 20. Principal photography began on March 11 in Hong Kong. Other locations include Foshan and Zhongshan.
Original title 巾幗梟雄之諜血長天
Last air date Jan. 14, 2017
Seasons 1
Episodes 26
Duration 45m