K9 Cop – 警犬巴打
EP 08

K9 Cop – 警犬巴打

After losing both parents at a young age, Lai Yat Tsau becomes a parent figure for his three younger sisters. His mother’s death and his father’s ...
Law Dis-order – 律政強人

Law Dis-order – 律政強人

As the co-founder of the Chinese law firm Donald & Co., Charles Cheuk, has been a chairman of its committee for many years. Though he had ...
Five Enough – 五个孩子 [Cantonese]
EP 27

Five Enough – 五个孩子 [Cantonese]

Sang-Tae is left with his two children after his wife passes away. Since that time, he lives with his two kids and parents-in-law. He works as a ...
Infernal Affairs – 無間道 [TV Series] [Mandarin Audio]

Infernal Affairs – 無間道 [TV Series] [Mandarin Audio]

Overview: 大陸公安江子丹到香港探訪好友伍永哲,卻發現永哲被緝毒科追捕時意外身亡。子丹大感詫異,決定找出真相,並查出永哲的死跟黑社會「勝聯」有關。香港緝毒科督察韋峻軒見子丹身手不凡,遂提出讓子丹潛入勝聯做線人……
Three – 三人行[2016]

Three – 三人行[2016]

Overview: 香港某大型医院,外科主任医师佟倩(赵薇 饰)刚刚完成例行巡视。接二连三的手术让她的神经高度紧张,加上有的患者术后情况并不理想,无形间使她的精神承受了巨大的压力。就在此时,一名遭受枪伤的男子被紧急送到医院。对方名叫张礼信(钟汉良 ...
TV Awards Presentation 2016 – 萬千星輝頒獎典禮2016

TV Awards Presentation 2016 – 萬千星輝頒獎典禮2016

Peak To Pit – 天與地

Peak To Pit – 天與地

Overview: 同一個世界 兩種截然不同的極端 天與地TVB邁向五十周年台慶真人騷,黃德斌、謝東閔、梁彥宗、麥美恩、陳婉衡、朱智賢六位藝人一連五集,分別登上地球最接近天空的土壤- 喜馬拉雅山,滑落無盡黑暗的深淵地洞- ...
Rogue Emperor – 流氓皇帝

Rogue Emperor – 流氓皇帝

Overview: Rogue Emperor is a remake of TVB’s 1981 drama The Misadventure of Zoo, which starred Adam Cheng and Louise Lee as the leads.
TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2016 – TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2016

TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2016 – TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2016

Overview: 《TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮》於11月26日隆重舉行,頒發13項電視大獎,並由大馬觀眾透過官方流動應用程式,一人一票選出心目中的得獎者。鄭裕玲、農夫、周奕瑋、朱智賢為觀眾揭曉各大獎項花落誰家。
Show Me Your Love – 大手牽小手[2016]

Show Me Your Love – 大手牽小手[2016]

Told from Nin’s perspective, Show Me Your Love subtly reveals how the mother and son had been estranged by their years of miscommunication before ...
Spirits On Vacation – 一屋老友去旅行

Spirits On Vacation – 一屋老友去旅行

Overview: 歐陽震華、滕麗名、羅蘭、劉江、盧宛茵、呂慧儀、張頴康、張彥博因「人氣」劇集《一屋老友記》而結緣,情同家人!「一屋老友」偷得浮生結伴遊台灣,縱橫寶島北部、東部至南部,體驗冷熱溫泉、特色景點等魅力與風情。
No Reserve – 巾幗梟雄之諜血長天

No Reserve – 巾幗梟雄之諜血長天

No Reserve, also known as Rosy Business III, is an upcoming Hong Kong espionage television drama serial created and produced by Lee Tim-sing. ...
Two Steps From Heaven – 幕後玩家

Two Steps From Heaven – 幕後玩家

Overview: Two Steps from Heaven tells the story of three best friends who face life-changing consequences as they climb up the corporate ...
Anniversary Light 2016 – 跳躍飛騰TVB邁向50周年

Anniversary Light 2016 – 跳躍飛騰TVB邁向50周年

Overview: 為迎接49周年台慶,TVB即將推出一系列精彩劇集與綜藝節目。汪明荃、崔建邦、陳凱琳連同TVB高層主持亮燈儀式,為本年度台慶月揭開序幕,全台過百位藝員亦會亮麗登場,率先為觀眾介紹台慶月必看的精采節目。

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