Scoop – 東張西望

Scoop – 東張西望

Overview: 香港電視廣播有限公司的一個娛樂、時事新聞節目,間下午7:30在翡翠台及高清翡翠台播出逢星期一至五香港時。
Always and Ever – 情逆三世緣

Always and Ever – 情逆三世緣

 Overview: The results of a daggering oath causes CIB officer Bobby Au-Yeung to accidentally kill his girlfriend, Esther Kwan. Overcome with ...
The Hippocratic Crush Sr2 – On Call 36小時II

The Hippocratic Crush Sr2 – On Call 36小時II

Neurosurgeon Cheung Yat-Kin marries fellow doctor Fan Tze-Yu and the two are happily living together, expecting their first child. However, when ...
Good Doctor – 好醫生

Good Doctor – 好醫生

As a child, Park Shi On was sent to a specialized care center, where he discovered genius capacities for his autism. Coupled with an exceptional ...
Coffee Cat Mama – 貓屎媽媽

Coffee Cat Mama – 貓屎媽媽

  Overview: The series will revolve around a coffee shop. It will use lighthearted comedy to talk about modern mother-and-daughter relationships: ...
Return of the Silver Tongue – 舌劍上的公堂

Return of the Silver Tongue – 舌劍上的公堂

 Overview: CHEUNG SAI WAI (Roger Kwok) opened a school to nourish talented individuals. Student CHOW GUK (Priscilla Wong) is WAI’s student and ...
Tung Wah Charity Show – 歡樂滿東華2013

Tung Wah Charity Show – 歡樂滿東華2013

Overview: 《歡樂滿東華2013》有曾志偉、汪明荃、黎芷珊、曾華倩、陸浩明、林曉峰、吳家樂、陳貝兒、呂慧儀、陳庭欣十位司儀與一眾歌星、藝員,竭力以誠意打動各善長慷慨解囊,共襄善舉,務求衝破歷年善款紀錄!捐款熱線:1878333(130條線)。 ...
TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 – TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2013

TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 – TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2013

Overview: 马来西亚最强电视颁奖盛事 《TVB马来西亚星光荟萃颁奖典礼2013》即将于本周日(12月1日)晚上8时隆重举行!TVB致力炮制高质素的电视剧集及节目给全球华人观众,大受各地观众热烈追捧,热潮席卷全球,成功打造TVB的强势品牌。今年,被喻为TVB 《万千星辉颁奖典礼》 ...
Three Amigos Bon Voyage – 三個小生去旅行

Three Amigos Bon Voyage – 三個小生去旅行

Overview: 每年台慶,TVB總是為大家帶來無限驚喜。為慶祝TVB生日46周年,台慶鉅獻《三個小生去旅行》特意請來三位當紅「小生」胡楓、謝賢、Joe ...
Bounty Lady – My盛Lady

Bounty Lady – My盛Lady

Overview: A light-hearted comedy about “sing lui” (unmarried middle-aged women). Heung Gwong Lam (Dayo) is a rich single man, who has a belief to ...
Telling Maria 2 – 最佳女主角

Telling Maria 2 – 最佳女主角

Overview: 資深娛樂新聞女主播黎芷珊,加入TVB接近三十年,在圈中廣結人緣的她,結識好友無數,當中更不乏當時得令的星級藝人。去年芷珊大打友情牌,邀請多位圈中 ...

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